P 254-781-3447
F 254-227-6163
2300 E. Rancier Ave. Suite 103 Killeen, TX 76543
Occupational Therapy
Through play we will evaluate and treat for delayed:
*Fine Motor Skills
*Visual motor skills - how your child uses their eyes and hands
*Visual perceptual - how your child uses their eyes
*Motor Coordination - how your child uses their hands
*Activities of daily living - dressing, feeding, grooming, toileting
*Instrumental Activities of Daily Living - kitchen management, money management, cleaning, transportation and safety
*Sensory processing skills - regulation of themselves, modulation, tactile, auditory, vestibular, proprioception, vision, gustatory and olfactory input
*Social and play skills
*Strength - core and upper extremity
*Bilateral coordination - how they use both sides of their body together
*Executive function - attention to task, organization, planning, prioritizing, decreasing impulsivity and regulating emotions
*Motor planning
*Behavior management
*Environmental modification
*Body awareness

Speech Therapy
Pediatric speech pathologists assess for and treat delays in:
*Speech production
*Auditory processing
*Phonological Awareness
*Social skills
related to:
*Suspected or known developmental delays
*Congenital conditions affecting expected development
*Loss of skill due to surgery, incident, or deterioration of a condition